I'm a Pink Paradise Affiliate!

I'm a Pink Paradise Affiliate!
Click here for amazing lenses for fashion and cosplay!

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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

*Update* - Pinky Paradise Coupon Code!

I know I literally blogged about it yesterday but...

I can now give you all my own coupon code for Pinky Paradise!
Enter: darkpastels
At the checkout for a FREE cutie lenses case and a FREE mysterious gift!

Please do NOT distribute this code on any other website. It is MY personal code for me to share with my followers and promote this brilliant brand!


Review coming soon ^~^

Thanks for reading!
Holly x

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Bosto Kingtee 22HD review!

My baby arrived!

Yes, I am now the proud owner of a Bosto Kingtee 22HD and it's probably up there in my 10 ten best things I've ever owned.

It's like a dream come true. £500 for a 22inch HD screen, including shipping. That's what like a 4th of the price of a Cintiq of the same size?
What's that? You think that the price is obviously lower because because it's not as good as wacom blah blah blah...
Bullshit, my friend. Pure bullshit.

I have been playing around with it for a while now. It has 0 lag, I even tried to make it lag like my mouse does and failed, there's also no jitter, no obvious gap between the pen and the cursor unless you're drawing from a pretty extreme angle and it's so light despite it's size that I can quite happily curl up on the sofa with it on my lap. I've used it in Sai and Photoshop, and honestly, I love it. 

Above: Immediately after unboxing, crappy little doodle for experimentation.

Above: My first finished piece with the tablet, messing around with pen pressures ect ect
(look at that crippled hand wow)
Above: Current WIP, doodle of protagonist from upcoming manga. Dramatic lighting experiments.
I'll be testing it with manga studio soon!

My only criticism is postage. It took over a month to get here, granted that was also over Christmas and new year.
View my other drawings, sketches and other shizzle over at my >> deviantart <<

Thanks for reading~
Holly x

Cosplay and Circle Lenses

Hey everyone!

So recently I've been looking into-*cough*obcessing-over*cough* cosplay.
It's something I'm really interested in getting into, I've spent the last few days just wtaching makeup tutorials and costume tutorials and reviews and ahhhhh man I wish I could afford all this pretty stuff.
I have a few conventions coming up here in the UK, if I'm really lucky I might get to go to MCM >w< so I'm hoping to get my hands on either a Mikasa/Sascha from Attack on Titan.
 (And make my boyfriend go as Levi hurhurhur)

One thing that's common, even essential for cosplay, is circle lenses.
Which brings me to the main point of this post...
I'm a Pinky Paradise Affiliate!

I don't even understand it all yet but it's still super exciting! 
I'm going to be buying lenses this week so there will be a review coming soon, and maybe if I'm very very lucky after that and it gets some attention, I'll try and do a giveaway!

 really good youtube to watch if you're getting into cosplay is Sachie, she has her own channel and also blogs for Geek & Sundry, possibly the best youtube channel ever.

That's all for now ^-^

Thanks for reading~
Holly x